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Comic Book Store SWOT Analysis




Comic book stores, unlike most retailers, have the ability to operate with a great deal of economic staying power. The people that are into comic books are diehard fans, and they are willing to spend a substantial amount of their discretionary income on these purchases. Additionally, comic book stores have the ability to sell their wares online. Many people use the internet to find rare comic books. The startup costs of a new comic book store are considered moderate, with the amount needed to launch operations ranging from $25,000 to $100,000. For many comic book store owners, their initial inventory consists of their personal collection. The barriers to entry for these businesses is considered low. One of the best strengths of these businesses is that they generally do not need a highly visible retail location in order to thrive.




Although they have a strong customer base, comic books are not considered an essential product. As such, a severe economic recession can negatively impact the revenues of these businesses. Additionally, competitive threats are ongoing with these businesses as many online retailers are simple home based businesses. As such, it is imperative for a comic book store operator to have an expansive inventory of rare comic books in order to remain competitive within this market.




Most comic book retailers do not need multiple locations. They can often thrive in one well placed location coupled with an expansive presence on the internet. As such, the best way to boost the revenues of these companies is to deal in large divestitures of comic books and hard-to-find titles. As comic books can be easily stored, once inventory is acquired - these products can be listed for sale of an indefinite period of time.




The market for comic books is a very free market oriented business as far as product sales are concerned. There is very little differentiation among buyers provided that stores have the inventory they are selling. As such, the best way to combat competitive threats in this market is to continually have an expansive inventory. There are currently no pieces of legislation or regulation that would impact the way that a comic book store conducts business with the exception of taxes applying to online sales.

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